Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Object of My Affection
I love Jennifer Aniston as much as Donald Trump loves his hair. I have watched an episode of Friends everyday since 1994 and all her movies. Yet I never truly understood this title till I saw someone post a video by Manhattan-based advertising agency called Badger & Winters. The agency makes a statement about women … Continue reading
The Hateful 800 Million
The birth of Social Media has changed the world. Everywhere you go, you see people staring at their devices, laughing, smiling & sometimes even crying. From a waiting area at an airport to the living room of your home, people are sitting together but they are with someone else. According to a global digital snapshot … Continue reading
War of The Wireless
The mornings on Madison Avenue in New York have a surrealistic urgency about them. Dressed impeccably, hundreds walk this street everyday. Their movement overtly synchronized as if choreographed for a fashion show. Almost all of them with the same frown are intensely lost in thoughts. Many of them if not all have one thought revolving … Continue reading